Torpedo has become an annual challenge for many of our finishers. It’s type-2 fun that they want – and the race has excitement in heaps.
Everybody likes fun. And fun, like anything, can be nuanced; not all fun is created equal.
In many ways like the sport of SwimRun itself, which conjures up varying reactions to swimming in shoes and running in a wetsuit. The Torpedo route also has this intrigue; it must be so good along the Cape’s coastline, but it’s scary too, right?
Then there’s the commonly asked question; how hard is Torpedo? Is it a mental or physical challenge?
We think that the answer is found at the finish line; in wild eyes and uncontrollable smiles. There’s no doubt that you’ve challenged yourself. Both mind and body – and that’s as good as it gets.
But there is only one way to know for sure and that involves pulling on a wetsuit (or not!) and jumping in. So we invite you to phone a good friend and ask them to join you. Enjoy the training and answer the question for yourself. It might be just what the doctor ordered.
2024 Torpedo SwimRun Cape Town Race Dates: 30 November 2024 (bad weather back-up day Sunday 1 December)
Event Information: https://torpedoswimrun.com/
Entries Are Open: https://torpedoswimrun.howler.co.za/events/torpedo-swimrun-2024-94dc/tickets
If you’re interested in SwimRun – start with Torpedo Tours. They’re social mornings scouting the best SwimRun routes with land and water support.